Miguel Varela, CEO, and Cristina Vázquez, COO, participated in several presentations and round tables. In addition, TEIMAS coordinated an important technical committee that addressed the digital transformation of the waste value chain.
The National Environmental Congress (CONAMA) 2022 was held in Madrid from November 21 to 24. Important representatives of the waste sector exchanged opinions, concerns and plans for the future within a full program of presentations, technical committees and round tables that together make up, the most important environmental event in Spain.
The numbers speak for themselves. During its four days, the congress attracted more than 5,000 attendees and held more than 100 activities. These data only reaffirm that "CONAMA is the environmental congress that anyone interested in sustainability should attend", as stated by Miguel Varela, CEO of TEIMAS, at the conclusion of the congress.
As far as TEIMAS is concerned, CONAMA 2022 has counted one more year -and this is the 12th- with a large representation from our side, although this edition was even more numerous than ever. Miguel Varela, CEO, and Cristina Vázquez, COO, participated in different sessions, including "Green entrepreneurs" and "Municipal waste. Starting the new path in waste management", respectively.
In addition, from TEIMAS we also coordinated the important technical committee Digital transformation of the waste value chain in which the presentation of a study of the state of the art of the digitalization of the waste value chain in Spain was highlighted.
lso, within this technical committee, attendees also had the opportunity to learn first-hand about innovative projects that are contributing to the digitization of the sector. This is the case, for example, of Humara and its software for planning waste treatment plants, or Recircular and its marketplace for waste materials.
“Bringing people with different points of view to the table is tremendously enriching and fosters empathy between disparate knowledge. Digitization is absolutely necessary for competitiveness but doing it ‘without empathy’, i.e. without knowing and understanding the points of view of the people concerned, is counterproductive. In my opinion, this empathy is achieved by sitting together, talking and exchanging experiences, as we have done in this meeting”, explains Miguel Varela.
The Environmental Sciences Association has prepared a summary of the session that you can read in this link.