Process your waste documentation directly with all the platforms of the Spanish autonomous communities (*) and with e-SIR (**), making sure that everything is in order and up to date with the regulations
*Process your documents directly with the regional platforms SIRA (Andalusia), GaIA (Galicia), eDCS (Castilla y León), SINGER (Balearic Islands), PDR (Aragón), ADCR 3.0 (Valencian Community) and SDR (Catalonia)
**Process your documents directly through e-SIR with the autonomous communities that do not have their own electronic platform: Asturias, Cantabria, Canary Islands, Murcia, Castilla La Mancha, La Rioja, Madrid, Extremadura, Ceuta and Melilla
Issuance of ISO certificates: 14001, 9001 and EMAS
Error reporting prior to submission
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