
We introduce you to the key concepts of waste management technology and regulations.


2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

It is the action plan for people and the planet that encompasses the 17 SDGs. It was approved in 2015 by the 193 member states of the UN.


API stands for "application programming interface", i.e. a system that allows communication between two or more applications.

Carbon footprint

The life-cycle carbon footprint of a product measures the total greenhouse gas emissions generated by a product, from the extraction of raw materials to the end of its useful life. It is measured in carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2 e).

Circular Economy

The circular economy is a system in which materials never become waste and nature is regenerated. In a circular economy, products and materials are kept in circulation through processes such as maintenance, reuse, renewal, remanufacturing, recycling and composting. It emerges as an alternative to the traditional linear economic model, based mainly on the "use and throw away" concept, which requires large quantities of materials and energy.

Due Diligence

Due diligence is the process by which companies can identify, prevent, mitigate and explain how they address their actual and potential adverse impacts. You can consult here the EU Sustainability Due Diligence Directive for companies.

E3L language

E3L stands for Environmental Electronic Exchange Language.

Electronic processing of the transfer procedure

This involves the submission of electronic waste shipment documents to the competent bodies through the corresponding environmental platforms.

Environmental Identification Number (NIMA)

The environmental identification number (NIMA) is a code used at the state level, assigned by the Autonomous Community to identify centers registered as producers and/or managers of waste in accordance with the Law on Waste and Contaminated Soils (Law 07/2022).

In the same way that a NIF is associated with a company, the NIMA is associated with a center. A Center means one or more facilities subject to different authorisations or registrations, located in the same location and whose owner is the same natural or legal person. The NIMA consists of ten digits: the first two correspond to the province's INE code and the remaining eight are numbers assigned by the Autonomous Community.

This number is assigned based on three factors:

- Holder of the authorisation of the facility or center. Identified by your NIF.

- Location of the facility or center. Identified by its UTM coordinates.

- The center's main activity. Identified by its CNAE.

European Green Deal

The European Green Deal is a package of policy initiatives created with the aim of steering the EU on the path towards a green transition to reach climate neutrality by 2050. The Commission launched the European Green Deal in 2019.

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

It is a concept used within the European Union policy that is summarised in the "polluter pays" principle. It establishes that producers are obliged to take responsibility for the waste generated by these products once they have been used, whether they are packaging or not, both for domestic and industrial use.

Until now, in Spain it was only obligatory for electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators, vehicles, packaging, tires and mineral oils. However, the entry into force of the Law on Waste and Contaminated Soil (Law 7/2022) has strengthened the scope of this responsibility, increasing the list of obligations for the different producers.

Fit for 55

"Fit for 55" is a package of proposals that seek to provide a coherent and balanced framework for achieving the EU's climate objectives. Its name refers to the reduction of emissions by at least 55% that the EU has set itself for 2030.

LER Code (European Waste List)

The LoW is a waste classification in the EU for administrative purposes. The different types of waste on the list are classified by six-digit codes. Chapters (four digits) and subchapters (two digits) define the types of activities that generate the waste.


Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a technology that organises large business databases and facilitates complex analyses. It allows for advanced analytical queries without interfering with the company's daily operations.


Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) refers to a type of database system designed to manage and process transactions in real time.

Registration as a waste producer

This is a communication for the exercise of the activity, addressed to the competent environmental body of the Spanish Autonomous Community in which the center is located, through an established procedure. In this communication, the producer must indicate the waste to be generated as a result of its activity, the approximate annual quantities and the waste managers to which it will be sent.


A Saas or Software as a Service is a computer program that allows its users to connect and use its solutions centrally and in the cloud, through a pay-per-use model.

Shared responsibility of the waste producer

For decades, the model of responsibility within waste management in Spanish legislation was the so-called "delegated responsibility", which establishes that the responsibility of the producer or holder of the waste ends when it is delivered to a dealer for treatment, or to an authorised treatment entity, with documentary proof.

This model has proved to be insufficient, as it neither guarantees the correct management of the waste nor allows the traceability of the waste to be controlled. The European Union itself recommended that Spain replace this delegation system with a "shared responsibility" model, following in the footsteps of countries such as France, Germany and the United Kingdom.

Software in the cloud

The term "cloud software" refers to those computer programs that, like Teixo, are run from the Internet. Such applications are not hosted on a single computer, but on a network of servers.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The SDGs are aimed at addressing global problems such as extreme poverty and climate emergency. They are part of the 2030 Agenda and are made up of 17 goals, which in turn are divided into 169 targets to be met by 2030.

Teixo Logistics App

It is a Teixo mobile application that facilitates interaction between office staff and drivers to achieve fast, safe and zero-paper waste transfers. Specifically, it allows the driver to send, from his cell phone to Teixo, the data recorded during the collection or delivery of waste. In addition, if your containers have a QR generated with Teixo, the driver can identify them by reading this code.

If the driver also has a portable printer, he can also print the DI and delivery notes directly.

Teixo digital signature

It is an electronic signature integrated in Teixo that has legal validity. It works according to eIDAS, European regulation 910/2014 which establishes the legal and security standards for the correct electronic identification of the signature. In practice, this type of signature allows Teixo users to further streamline the daily management of their environmental and commercial documentation.

In addition, it is a secure signature system because, once signed, documents are unalterable and are stored and archived under strict protocols.

Transfer operator

In accordance with the Royal Decree on Transfers (RD 553/2020), the natural or legal person who organises the shipment of waste will be considered the operator of the shipment. As a general rule, the operator will be the producer of the waste.

They can also be:

- The manager of a collection warehouse, when he groups small quantities of the same type of waste into a single vehicle, for subsequent transfer to a treatment facility from his warehouse.

- A waste agent or dealer, previously authorised in writing by one of the previous operators on the list.

Waste recovery

Waste valuation is a process that involves the recovery and use of resources, energy or useful materials from waste. Its objective is to give additional value to waste instead of discarding it conventionally. There are two types of valuation: energy generation or material recovery.

Waste value chain

The “waste value chain” encompasses the entire process from the initial generation of waste to its final disposal. This process includes the stages of collection, classification, treatment, storage and recovery of waste. In this process waste management transformer technology plays a fundamental role because it is able to provide solutions to simplify obligations and to tangibilise and quantify objectives.


The .xml extension identifies the file format chosen by the Administration for the exchange of waste information. The files you upload to the environmental platforms use this format. There are several versions of xml format.

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