TEIMAS launches Zero Spring Release 2024, the improved version of its Waste Management Software for Large Companies

Zero Spring Release 2024 is the new version of Zero, the software for waste control with which large companies improve their waste management.

This is some text inside of a div block.
  • With this update, large corporations can include information corresponding to the waste that enters the company.
  • Zero Spring Release 2024 allows the management of legal waste documentation throughout the Iberian Peninsula.
  • TEIMAS works with more than 990 waste management facilities and more than 20,000 waste production points.

The Spanish company TEIMAS, specialised in the development of technological solutions for professional waste management and the circular economy, launches Zero Spring Release 2024, a new version of their Zero software with which large companies improve the management of their waste. Thanks to Zero, international corporations digitalise the value chain of their waste, making it easier for them to comply with current environmental sustainability regulations such as the Directive on Corporate Information on Sustainability (CSRD) or the New Sustainability Information Standards (NEIS or ESRS).

In addition, this cloud management platform, whose first version was launched in 2018, streamlines the preparation of inspections, audits and sustainability reports.

What's new in Zero Spring Release 2024

In this improved version of Zero, TEIMAS has added the option that large corporations can include information corresponding to the waste that enters the company. ”This innovation is of special interest to those companies that want to incorporate waste into their production processes”, explains Cristina Vázquez, CEO of TEIMAS. Who, by way of example, indicates that ”a corporation that produces fuels and plans to produce biodiesel, can now register in Zero the waste oils it receives and which are essential raw material in the production of this fuel of natural, renewable and clean origin”.

Zero Spring Release 2024 is compatible with other platforms and files, making it easier for companies to have, in one place, all the information on the management of their waste. This, in turn, allows the historical consultation of data and the creation of reports. In addition, the platform also uses blockchain technology to control the movements of the waste generated, making it possible to certify its traceability.

Another of the advantages it offers TEIMAS to large companies is that Zero is adapted to the Portuguese market, so international companies operating in the country can comply with the regulations of the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA). In this way, companies that transport waste in Portugal and operate with Zero, can issue the eGAR (Electronic Waste Tracking Guide), an electronic document that accompanies all waste shipments (HW and NHW) and, thanks to this new update, they will also be able to manage the presentation of the MIRR (Integrated Waste Registration Map), a document required by the government to record all waste generated in the country, its treatment and who are the companies involved in its management over a calendar year. Thus, Zero allows management of legal waste documentation throughout the Iberian Peninsula through government electronic platforms, regional platforms, the ministerial platform e-SIR (Spain) and the Siliamb platform (Portugal).

Currently, TEIMAS works with more than 990 waste management facilities, more than 20,000 waste production points, and the Zero software is used by more than 30 multinationals from sectors as diverse as textiles, Food and Beverage, energy, oil & gas and telco.

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